No: 224, 8 July 2022, Press Release Regarding the Decease of Former Prime Minister of Japan Abe Shinzo We are deeply saddened to learn that the former Prime Minister of Japan Abe Shinzo has lost his life as a result of a heinous armed attack today. We extend our sincere condolences to his family as well as to the friendly people and Government of Japan.

No: 224, 8 July 2022, Press Release Regarding the Decease of Former Prime Minister of Japan Abe Shinzo

We are deeply saddened to learn that the former Prime Minister of Japan Abe Shinzo has lost his life as a result of a heinous armed attack today.

We extend our sincere condolences to his family as well as to the friendly people and Government of Japan.

大統領府投資局 トルコ本部 在アンカラ・イスタンブール


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